Preparing your project for COVID-19

Resources for Change and Scott B Sullivan Associates have been working jointly to support clients with COVID-19 contingency plans.  Here is our approach which you are free to use – we hope you find this method as helpful as we have.

We have advised clients to systematically review all of their projects/workstreams and business operations (e.g. governance, staffing, assets/facilities etc) in relation to the following three scenarios:

We have then used these scenarios to map out responses and mitigation measures across workstreams and business operations.

Talking through the impact and potential mitigation within your teams in a structured way will help you to plan your response quickly whilst keeping team members engaged in uncertain times.  With things changing so quickly, this is crucial.  Whilst none of us have control over these global events, we can control our own response to them.

If an externally facilitated session to guide you would be helpful, we can enable this digitally.  We have already conducted such a session with the management team of one client, helping to identify key mitigation measures for core business and project portfolio across the three scenarios.  We documented this to inform subsequent in-house business planning work.

 If this would be useful to you, do get in touch by emailing