The final report has just been submitted to the Clyde Marine Planning Partnership for a major public dialogue that R4C, in partnership with C2W consulting, have run in Scotland.
The on-going development of the Clyde Regional Marine Plan identified a number of policy areas requiring attention, specifically fisheries and aquaculture. To give further consideration to these policy areas and sense check the draft plan, a process of public dialogue was instigated as part of a European Maritime and Fisheries Funded public engagement project.
The dialogue was designed around three locations in the Clyde Marine Region, namely Glasgow, Ayr and Dunoon. For each location, 22 participants were recruited on the basis that they were representative of the locality and with no previous experience of marine planning or public dialogue. Two rounds of dialogue took place in November – December 2019. The first involved an introduction to the issues, whilst the second round developed the dialogue, identifying specific values and policies and leading to a series of agreed outcomes. These were drafted into a letter addressed the Clyde Marine Planning Partnership, signed by the participants, as a key dialogue output
“ I wanted to thank R4C for what was a very professional and successful project. We have already changed the plan as a result and in the final editing, which is being done at the moment, we are still making changes with the dialogues in mind.” Fiona Mills, Marine Plan Manager