Dyffryn Ardudwy & Talybont Community Council, Community Needs Survey
Dyffryn Ardudwy & Talybont Community Council commissioned Resources for Change (R4C) to undertake a ‘Community Needs Survey,’ to give local people the opportunity to have their say on the current and changing needs of their community. The work was led by our Director Deio Jones, supported by Jacob Burford.
This initial community wide survey was to enable local people to have their say. To build a representative overview of the community and identify ways to improve things for local residents.
The work was inspired by a similar exercise that R4C undertook in Aberdyfi, which identified opportunities for a number of projects which have since been realised, including improvements to Neuadd Dyfi, and the purchase and safeguarding of the local Post office building by the local community.
A bilingual survey was developed in collaboration with the Community Council, focusing on the areas they believed most relevant drawing on their local knowledge and feedback from local residents. As with any survey, there is a balance between asking enough questions to have detailed evidence of need and opportunities and keeping it short enough that respondents finish it and answer all the questions!
It was set up using the online platform ‘Survey Monkey,’ and the link was promoted widely to residents and business owners in Dyffryn Ardudwy and Talybont through the Community Councillors, The Community Council Website, Social Media, and the local school. Paper copies were also distributed at local businesses.
A total of 103 responses were collected, and these were analysed, summarised, and then validated work to identify any surprising findings, potential omissions, and any potential misinterpretation of the data by the team.
The final report also considered the findings of an earlier ‘Housing Needs Survey’ undertaken in the community which enabled us to give a more rounded and complete picture of some of the issues raised. The Community Council were delighted with the final report, and are planning a community event to publicise the findings and discuss the next steps.
We look forward to seeing what exiting new projects and developments emerge over the next few years to address the needs and opportunities identified by local people.
Comisiynodd Cyngor Cymuned Dyffryn Ardudwy a Thalybont Resources for Change (R4C) i gynnal ‘Arolwg Anghenion Cymunedol’ er mwyn rhoi cyfle i bobl leol ddweud eu dweud ar anghenion presennol a chyfnewidiol eu cymuned. Arweiniwyd y gwaith gan ein cyfarwyddwr Deio Jones, wedi ei gefnogi gan Jacob Burford.
Bwriad yr arolwg cymunedol cychwynnol hwn oedd galluogi pobl leol i ddweud eu dweud. Llunio trosolwg cynrychioliadol o’r gymuned, a nodi ffyrdd posibl i wella pethau i drigolion lleol.
Ysbrydolwyd y gwaith gan ymarferiad tebyg tebyg a ymgymerwyd gan R4C yn Aberdyfi a amlygodd gyfleoedd ar gyfer nifer o brosiectau sydd wedi eu gwireddu ers hynny, gan gynnwys gwelliannau i Neuadd Dyfi, a phrynu a diogelu adeilad y Swyddfa Bost leol gan y gymuned leol.
Datblygwyd arolwg dwyieithog ar y cyd â’r Cyngor Cymuned, gan ganolbwyntio ar y meysydd y credant sydd fwyaf perthnasol, gan bwyso ar eu gwybodaeth leol ac adborth hanesyddol gan drigolion lleol. Fel gydag unrhyw arolwg, roedd angen cydbwysedd rhwng gofyn digon o gwestiynau i gael tystiolaeth fanwl o angen a chyfleoedd, a’i gadw’n ddigon byr fel bod ymatebwyr yn ei orffen ac yn ateb pob cwestiwn!
Cyhoeddwyd yr arolwg gan ddefnyddio’r platfform ar-lein ‘Survey Monkey,’ a hyrwyddwyd y ddolen yn eang i drigolion a pherchnogion busnes Dyffryn Ardudwy a Thalybont trwy’r Cynghorwyr Cymuned, Gwefan y Cyngor Cymuned, Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol, a’r ysgol leol. Dosbarthwyd copïau papur hefyd trwy eu gadael mewn busnesau lleol a mannau cyhoeddus.
Casglwyd cyfanswm o 103 o ymatebion, a chafodd y rhain eu dadansoddi, eu crynhoi, ac yna eu dilysu i nodi unrhyw ganfyddiadau annisgwyl, ac unrhyw wallau neu gamddehongliad posibl o’r data gan y tîm.
Roedd yr adroddiad terfynol hefyd yn ystyried canfyddiadau ‘Arolwg Anghenion Tai’ cynharach a gynhaliwyd yn y gymuned a’n galluogodd i roi darlun mwy cyflawn a chyflawn o rai o’r materion a godwyd. Roedd y Cyngor Cymuned wrth eu bodd gyda’r adroddiad terfynol, a maent yn trefnu digwyddiad cymunedol i roi cyhoeddusrwydd i’r canfyddiadau a thrafod y camau nesaf.
Edrychwn ymlaen at weld pa brosiectau a datblygiadau newydd sy’n dod i’r amlwg dros y blynyddoedd nesaf i fynd i’r afael â’r anghenion a’r cyfleoedd a nodwyd gan y trigolion lleol.