
Dartmoor National Park Authority

Project Leads

Irene Evison

Resources for Change have extensive experience in evaluating land based heritage programmes, most of which have a rural context and are aimed at reviewing a landscape’s management in some way.

In 2015 R4C was contracted by the Dartmoor National Park Authority to carry out an independent evaluation of the Dartmoor Mires project. This was a partnership initiative to investigate the feasibility and effects of the restoration of degraded blanket bog. The evaluation determined that the projects key achievements were:

  • Development of an innovative approach by bringing a commercial company into what had been a public sector led project.
  • Demonstrating that it is possible to undertake restoration works on Dartmoor’s peatlands by establishing a locally appropriate technique for working in sensitive wildlife habitats and a visually important landscape.
  • Contributing significantly, through the research it commissioned, to what is known about Dartmoor’s peatland environment, not only its condition but also broader ecological and historical aspects.
  • Delivering the project through broad based partnership which gave access to a resource of expertise, experience and perspectives as well as lots of commitment and aspirations.