
BCP Council / Bournemouth Parks Foundation

Project Leads

Mike King

Greenspace Volunteering Strategy

This was not an evaluation project but illustrates local knowledge and engagement.

BCP Council were awarded funding through the Future Parks Accelerator fund, as mentioned above, to develop ways of putting greenspace, both urban and rural, at the heart of community life. One component of this work was to enhance the existing volunteering programme through the development of the Greenspace Volunteering strategy. R4C was engaged to co-produce this strategy with a range of greenspace stakeholders.

The work involved initial research through an online survey and stakeholder interviews, the results of which informed the agenda for a series of workshops where stakeholders collaborated to identify ways in which the volunteering offer could be enhanced. R4C then took the output of these deliberations and shaped them into a final strategy. Feedback about both the process and the strategy was very positive, for example Martin Whitchurch, the Open Spaces Development Manager at BCP Council went out of his way to contact us, telling us:

“I’ve seen various colleagues this afternoon all of whom complimented you on a very well put together session, and the overall content and direction of the strategy. Well done!!”   –  Martin Whitchurch