
Sarah Brisco Trust

Project Leads

Deio Jones

Resources for Change are supporting the Sarah Brisco Trust and local partners to plan, develop, and fund a transformational project in Sarah Brisco House.  This historic building in the heart of Newtown was built in memory of Robert Owen, founder of the Cooperative movement, who was born and raised nearby.

We were brought in to guide and support the group to reach a stage where they are ready to apply for funding to realise their ambitions.  We started by identifying the needs and opportunities through interviews and dialogue with the project partners and current users of the building.  We then developed these into specific aims and objectives and a defined proposal and produced a Business Case to present the case for the proposed development.  It includes expanding the museum, improving accessibility, providing spaces for local businesses and entrepreneurs at the heart of the town, as well as providing a reading and education resource as part of the trust’s charitable objectives.

We advised the group on the next steps to take, identified potential funding to enable them to commission a community consultation to ensure the development addresses local needs and delivers the maximum local benefit.  The funding also enabled them to commission an architect to draw up initial plans, and scope and the feasibility and costs of various options.

Coronavirus has put the work on hold, but the next steps will be to undertake the community consultation and support the group to develop an evidenced plan that also contributes to a wider effort to regenerate the town centre, and the aims of the newly published Newtown Place Plan.

The final step will be to develop the detailed plans for the development and support the group in identifying and acquiring the capital funds to realise their vision.