Resources for Change have extensive experience of developing evaluation of Landscape Partnership Schemes funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and have successfully completed over 40 contracts within this programme. We have plenty of experience of working in other areas with similar landscape and heritage management choices and challenges and diverse stakeholder groups; such as the Upper Nidderdale Landscape Partnership.
R4C has undertaken a mid-term evaluation and report and is part way through the final evaluation of the Scheme. This remote upland valley on the eastern edge of the Yorkshire Dales is in the heart of the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The four-year LPS brings together local communities, volunteers, farmers, land managers and a wide range of organisations. The final evaluation started in summer 2017 for completion by June 2018. This involves collection and analysis of evaluation data, development of a report that celebrates the scheme and provides an ‘honest and open assessment of what happened’, and a presentation to the Partnership Board.