
Menter Y Plu

Project Leads

Deio Jones, Scott Sullivan

Ty’n Llan Project Development

Ty’n Llan is an impressive Grade II listed historic tavern and is the heart of the community in the picturesque village of Llandwrog.  Built in the 1860s as part of the Glynllifon estate, it’s been a meeting point for locals, travellers, poets, singers and celebrities through the years, from Eben Fardd to Edward H.

The pub’s doors closed in 2017, the old building deteriorated rapidly and the village was left with nowhere to meet and socialise. In February 2021 over a hundred local people declared their support to safeguard its future and purchase the building. Menter Ty’n Llan, a Community Benefit Society, was established with a Management Committee of 14 experienced members, and over a mater of weeks an incredible £468,000 in community shares was raised from over a thousand individual stakeholders.

With the building purchased over a million pounds was raised to secure the structural integrity of the building. It was at this stage that R4C were commissioned to support the coordination and development of the project.  The work was undertaken by R4C director Deio Jones, with additional fundraising support from Scott Sullivan.

Menter Ty’n Llan has a strong management committee of experienced, skilled, and committed volunteers, and through their efforts the doors re-opened on a temporary basis in December 2021.

We supported the committee as they built on local consultations to develop a vision of a welcoming and accessible community hub offering a wide range of key services for local people and community groups. And also to promote the distinct local Welsh language and culture through regular year-round activities and events.

The plans for the site developed to include a contemporary bar, kitchen and restaurant, 5 ensuite luxury bedrooms, a rear extension with views of the Eifl, a community room for meetings, societies and clubs, an attractive beer garden for the whole family. These new facilities will generate the income to make Menter Ty’n Llan financially sustainable, and also support the community activities and services.

As the project developed the burden of work increased and so did the number of volunteers and working groups. So we helped develop a new Governance Framework to help share the load.

A key element of our work was supporting the fundraising efforts.  This included identifying potential funding, developing a viable funding package, advising on developing the project to fit with the priorities of the various funders, and also to lead on the funding applications themselves.

We led the development of a successful National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) bid which enabled the group to employ a project manager and develop detailed plans, and then played a leading role in developing the final application.  We also developed applications to the National Lottery Community Fund and the Shared Prosperity Fund. Altogether we collaborated with the group to secure nearly £2.8m of funding to enable the whole project to be realised.

The final part of the funding was secured in December 2023, and work will begin in early 2024 to realise the project. We look forward to returning for a few pints over lunch once the project is complete!!


Mae Ty’n Llan yn dafarn hanesyddol rhestredig Gradd II ac mae’n ganolbwynt i’r gymuned ym mhentref prydferth Llandwrog. Wedi’i adeiladu yn y 1860au fel rhan o stad Glynllifon, mae wedi bod yn fan cyfarfod i drigolion lleol, teithwyr, beirdd, cantorion ac enwogion ar hyd y blynyddoedd, o Eben Fardd i Edward H.

Caeodd drysau’r dafarn yn 2017, a dirywiodd yr hen adeilad yn gyflym a gadawyd y pentref heb unman i gwrdd a chymdeithasu. Ym mis Chwefror 2021 datganodd dros gant o bobl leol eu cefnogaeth i brynu’r adeilad er mwyn diogelu ei ddyfodol.  Sefydlwyd ‘Menter Ty’n Llan’ fel Cymdeithas Budd Cymunedol gyda Phwyllgor Rheoli o 14 aelod profiadol, a thros gyfnod o wythnosau codwyd swm anhygoel o £468,000 mewn cyfranddaliadau cymunedol gan dros fil o rhanddeiliaid unigol.

Gyda’r adeilad wedi’i brynu codwyd dros filiwn o bunnoedd i sicrhau dogelwch strwythurol yr adeilad. Yn y cyfnod  hwn y comisiynwyd R4C i gefnogi’r gwaith o gydlynu a datblygu’r prosiect. Cyflawnwyd y gwaith gan gyfarwyddwr R4C, Deio Jones, gyda chymorth codi arian ychwanegol gan Scott Sullivan.

Mae gan Fenter Ty’n Llan bwyllgor rheoli cryf o wirfoddolwyr profiadol, medrus ac ymroddedig, a thrwy eu hymdrechion ail-agorwyd y drysau dros dro ym mis Rhagfyr 2021.

Fe wnaethom gefnogi’r pwyllgor wrth iddynt adeiladu ar ymgynghoriadau lleol i ddatblygu gweledigaeth o ganolbwynt cymunedol croesawgar a hygyrch sy’n cynnig ystod eang o wasanaethau allweddol i bobl leol a grwpiau cymunedol. A hefyd hyrwyddo’r iaith Gymraeg a diwylliant lleol unigryw trwy weithgareddau a digwyddiadau rheolaidd gydol y flwyddyn.

Datblygodd y cynlluniau ar gyfer y safle i gynnwys bar cyfoes, cegin a bwyty, 5 ystafell wely moethus ensuite, estyniad cefn gyda golygfeydd o’r Eifl, ystafell gymunedol ar gyfer cyfarfodydd, cymdeithasau a chlybiau, a gardd gwrw ddeniadol i’r teulu cyfan. Bydd y cyfleusterau newydd hyn yn creu’r incwm i wneud Menter Ty’n Llan yn ariannol gynaliadwy, a hefyd yn cefnogi gweithgareddau a gwasanaethau cymunedol.

Wrth i’r prosiect ddatblygu cynyddodd y baich gwaith, ac felly hefyd nifer y gwirfoddolwyr a’r gweithgorau. Felly fe wnaethom helpu i ddatblygu Fframwaith Llywodraethiant newydd i helpu i rannu’r baich.

Elfen allweddol o’n gwaith oedd cefnogi’r ymdrechion codi arian. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys nodi cyllid posibl, datblygu pecyn ariannu hyfyw, cynghori ar ddatblygu’r prosiect i gyd-fynd â blaenoriaethau’r cyllidwyr amrywiol, a hefyd arwain ar y ceisiadau ariannu eu hunain.

Fe wnaethom arwain cais Datblygu llwyddiannus i Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol (NLHF) a alluogodd y grŵp i gyflogi rheolwr prosiect a datblygu cynlluniau manwl, ac yna chwarae rhan flaenllaw wrth ddatblygu’r cais terfynol. Fe wnaethom hefyd ddatblygu ceisiadau i Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol a’r Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin. Ar y cyfan buom yn cydweithio â’r grŵp i sicrhau bron i £2.8m o gyllid i alluogi’r prosiect cyfan i gael ei wireddu.

Sicrhawyd rhan olaf y cyllid ym mis Rhagfyr 2023, a bydd gwaith yn dechrau yn gynnar yn 2024 i wireddu’r prosiect. Edrychwn ymlaen at ddychwelyd am ychydig o beintiau dros ginio unwaith y bydd y prosiect wedi ei gwblhau!!