
Educated in landscape ecology, design, public administration and management, Jim has considerable experience as a community planner, community engagement specialist and facilitator.

Core competencies

Jim’s core competencies are:

  • Project development and management – as a trained (Prince II) project manager, Jim is able to successfully develop and manage projects, workstreams and teams of professionals and volunteers to deliver:
  • Community engagement and visioning – developing and facilitating community engagement plans for local councils and communities including for new housing, community and leisure centres, climate change, master plans and local plans
  • Grass roots engagement and action planning – as both a Big Local Area Advisor and advisor to parish and town councils, Jim has helped develop community action plans and Neighbourhood Plans
  • Business planning – assessing and developing robust business plans mainly for community centres and hubs
  • Training and learning – as well devising and delivering formal training, talks and lectures, Jim has developed and facilitated action learning programmes and visits particularly in regeneration
  • Fundraising – helping to train, identify funding sources, develop bids and fundraising strategies for community and voluntary groups

For all of the above, Jim has acted as a facilitator, enabler, advisor and critical friend.

Career highlights

Recently joined R4C as Senior Consultant having been an Associate for three years. Prior to becoming a freelance community planner and Planning for Real® Consultant in 2012 working primarily on Neighbourhood Plans and as a Big Local Advisor, Jim previously worked as the community development manager and community planning co-ordinator at Maidstone Borough Council, as the rural development officer for Kent Rural Community Council and public relations manager and fundraising officer at the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.

Other stuff

Jim lives on the Kent / Sussex border and loves to cycle, walk his dogs, kayak and swim in open water

Jim’s recent projects include:

Landscape Conversations

There is currently a lot of interest in the ‘Landscape Scale’ approach to addressing nature’s decline and the impact of…