Undertaking a community needs assessment
Bigger, Better and more Joined Up is the principle of Stepping Stones, an ambitious nature recovery project in the Shropshire Hills National Landscape.
Bigger, Better and more Joined Up is the principle of Stepping Stones, an ambitious nature recovery project in the Shropshire Hills National Landscape.
There is currently a lot of interest in the ‘Landscape Scale’ approach to addressing nature’s decline and the impact of climate change. This idea of ‘bigger’, ‘better’ and more ‘joined up’ is seen as a key way of creating more resilient landscapes. However….
Resources for Change are using our extensive experience of monitoring and evaluation to support Local Trust | Big Local partnerships …
Big Local enables local people to build on local talents and aspirations and identify and act on their own needs to make their areas better places to live, now and in the future. R4C has worked with the programme since it started….
Resources for Change worked with the local steering group to develop and manage consultation to guide production of the plan…