
BCP Local Authority

Project Leads

Mike King

Making the most of local greenspace, a Covid response

During a significant part the last 12 months we have lived through lockdown and under the strict social distancing measures. During this time there has been an increase in the appreciation for parks and local green spaces as people sort outdoor spaces for exercise and to interact with nature. This was happening at a time when many local authorities had to close parks and other spaces in response to the need for social distancing.

Once the country started to emerge out of lockdown and public spaces started to open up, there was an increase in the misuse of greenspace through increased littering and other antisocial behaviour, at times, raising tensions between local communities and visitors.

If these trends are to continue there will be an increasing need to ensure that the interaction between people and parks is a constructive one, one that enhances the benefit of greenspace for both people and nature.

R4C has always been interested in projects and activities that connect people with the natural world and local greenspace is a key place where this can take place close to where people live. It’s a resource that needs to be carefully managed to ensure that the opportunities that it provides are available to everyone. We are currently undertaking a number of Greenspace projects that are addressing these issues and opportunities including:

  • Nature reconnection – identifying sites on public land in Ceredigion that could increase opportunities for nature and people through enhancement, engagement and improving access. (Nature Re-Connecting)
  • Cuckoo Trail users survey, helping to inform plans to enhance this recreational resource (Cuckoo Trail Project)
  • We are developing a Green space Volunteering Strategy to encourage more people to engage in the management of greenspace (Green Space Volunteering Strategy)
  • We are evaluating the Greenspace Development programme for BCP Council, funded by the Parks Accelerator Fund (Parks are more important than ever)
  • As well as Evaluating Poole Park Life, a major Green and blue space restoration project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (Poole Park Life)