Living Levels LPS

Resources for Change is the lifetime evaluator for this Scheme, beginning with participatory working to create a theory of change…

Sport Wales

In early 2019 we completed a review of Sport Wales two lottery funded grant programmes, Community Chest and Development Grants…

Wales Lottery Managers Forum

We worked with this group, which comprises the Chief Officers of each of the lottery distributors in Wales, to identify opportunities for further and improved joint working.

Keep Wales Tidy

KWT commissioned R4C to help their staff monitor the projects and to carry out an evaluation of this project, for reporting back to Welsh Government and for lessons learnt to inform KWT taking this work forward.

Grow Wild Evaluation

Working with NEF consulting, R4C have been commissioned to evaluate this UK wide community wildflower and fungus growing projects. The first stage of the evaluation has been to develop an Outcomes Framework which has been co-produced with the delivery team at Kew.

Allen Valley LPS Evaluation

In September 2014 we started work in the North Pennines AONB with the Allen Valleys Landscape Partnership Scheme team, helping them to put together a monitoring and evaluation plan.