Evaluating Partnership working

R4C was commissioned in 2020 to undertake an evaluation of the Changing Chalk partnership focused on measuring the value of partnership in the development phase of its bid to the NLHF….

Bedgebury Pinetum Audience Development Plan

Having supported the development of a Bedgebury Pinetum Development Plan in 2019, R4C have been appointed to develop an Audience Development Plan to inform the future development of a National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) project to…

Evaluating community led resilience development.

The low-lying landscape of the Manhood Peninsula, south of Chichester in West Sussex, is prone to surface water flooding due in part to poor ditch and pond management. The project, led by a local Wildlife & Heritage Group ….

Nature Re-Connecting

R4C have been appointed to identify publicly owned land in the county that is accessible and promotes biodiversity and health and well-being….

Poole Park Life

You cannot really describe Poole Park as greenspace as its central feature is a large Victorian boating lake, blue space as well as greenspace….

Ox-Cam Flood Resilience Pathfinder Project

Flooding, in many parts of the UK is becoming more prevalent, having a detrimental effect on more communities and individual households. The Ox-Cam project is one of three UK Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Pathfinder projects that have been funded by Defra….

Parks are more important than ever.

Resources for Change are evaluating the Future Parks Accelerator project underway in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, delivering for Bournemouth Parks Foundation….

The impact of the Rye Discovery Centre

Resources for Change are the evaluators for the Rye Harbour Discovery Centre project, an ambitious investment in a new visitor centre on the margin of the reserve and an extensive programme of educational and engagement activities….