Bwlch Nant yr Arian Feasibility Study & Business Case

This feasibility study explored the range of feasible options for developing the potential of the ex-Forestry Commission Wales (FCW) building at Bwlch Nant yr Arian (BNYA) near Aberystwyth into a resource for the Cambrian Mountains region …..

20 Minute Communities

This feasibility study explored the potential opportunities and benefits of adopting this originally urban concept to deliver local benefits to our rural communities in Powys.

Community Woodlands

The Ynys Cybi Landscape Partnership have been consulting with local communities and stakeholders on the initial idea of developing further community Woodlands on Ynys Cybi.

Nature Re-Connecting

R4C have been appointed to identify publicly owned land in the county that is accessible and promotes biodiversity and health and well-being….

Cuckoo Trail

Resources for Change are working with Wealden District Council to explore the current usage of the Cuckoo Trail.  The work will help to inform the council’s strategic plans and provide an evidence base for considering improvements along the trail….

Investing In Nature

The WCVA comissioned R4C to look into this and produced some simple, but highly effective, ideas and suggestions on how your organisation can help nature ….