Powys Food Vision, Strategy and Action Plan

‘Bwyd Powys Food’ aims to create a food system for Powys fit for future generations. ‘Food system’ means all connections and linkages that are involved in growing, producing, manufacturing, supplying and consuming food….

Urban Heat: community resilience to heatwaves

Urban Heat responded to increasing heatwave risk in the UK. Working with local third sector partners in three disadvantaged areas of London, the objective of Urban Heat was to build heatwave/climate/community resilience through community-based approaches and policy ….

Resilience and Innovation Northants

Resilience and Innovation Northants (RAIN) runs from 2022 to 2027 and is funded by Environment Agency/Defra. The objective of the RAIN project is to build flood resilience in two river catchments in Northants. The project is innovative because it has work packages that focus on multiple and integrated approaches – natural flood management, community resilience, property flood resilience and building a flood risk model ….

Ty’n Llan Project Development

Ty’n Llan is an impressive Grade II listed historic tavern and is the heart of the community in the picturesque village of Llandwrog. R4C were commissioned to support the coordination and development ……

Menter Y Plu

Menter Y Plu commissioned R4C to support the further development of the tavern and its activities following our successful collaboration on a similar project not far away in Ty’n Llan, Llandwrog……

Evaluating Rivers & Wetlands – Watercress & Winterbournes

Evaluating Rivers and Wetlands – Watercress & Winterbournes – Chalk streams and rivers traditionally rich in wildlife and with strong cultural association to fishing, water meadows and water mills are now under threat from range of factors including pollution, water extraction and habitat loss….

Community Needs Survey

Dyffryn Ardudwy & Talybont Community Council commissioned Resources for Change (R4C) to undertake a ‘Community Needs Survey,’ to give local people the opportunity to have their say on the current and changing needs of their community…..

Ty Penrhos Community Survey

This was a short community consultation to support a Shared Prosperity Fund application and followed on from a wide-ranging Community Needs Survey that we had undertaken for the group a couple of years earlier that had identified the importance of keeping local services and businesses such as the Post Office in the village….

Minstead Trust Stakeholder Engagement Research

The Minstead Trust wanted to undertake extensive stakeholder and audience research in order to better position their organisation within the care sector and inform a rebranding exercise. R4C worked with the Trust from July 2023 until February 2024 to plan and deliver a stakeholder and audience engagement exercise, summarised as ‘plan’, ‘listen’, ‘review’ and ‘do’…..

Nature Friendly Farming

The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation has been involved in environmental funding for a considerable period of time. Their latest funding strategy’ launched in 2000 identified Nature Friendly Farming as a priority with a view to help stimulate the changes necessary to produce food ethically that is better for nature, local economies, and people.

Evaluating Citizen Science

The FSC BioLinks project, was exciting citizen science project focusing on the addressing the gaps in knowledge about invertebrate distribution through a lack of biological recorders with the necessary identification skills.

Catchment Partnerships

The purpose of the workshop, designed and facilitated for the Arun & Rother Rivers Trust, was to progress the development of a revised and updated Catchment Management Plan, providing partners with an opportunity to input information and ideas on the draft document….

Evaluating Natures Recovery – Snakes in the Heather

The Smooth Snake is the UK’s rarest reptile but very little is known about its distribution and ecology. This project, led by Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, and which R4C has been engaged to evaluate, is looking, through Citizen Science……